07 October 2011

Avatar Kayaking! October 27th 2011 is the next new moon

SHE DID IT! On October fourth Roz Savage became the first woman to row a 23 foot rowboat across three oceans! She did it solo and unsupported. She slept in a bunk just big enough to sit her lying down with her ankles hanging off the edge. She grew her own bean sprouts, at Larabars and broke two of her four oars during two capsizes!

more information at www.RozSavage.com

This is about how you can go Avatar Kayaking in Tomales Bay on October 27th during a no moon night.

Watch this video first:


For fifteen years I have been taking people kayaking in these waters in Tomales Bay! Video has finally caught up with me and my ability to describe what you can expect to see.  Just pay your $5 to park at Miller's Cove boat Launch at Nick's Cove and head South  past the lights of the restaurant.

Roz is currently in Mauritius basking in her glory! But on Friday, October 14th in San Francisco, She will be at a welcome back party that I am hosting for her at Greens Restaurant in Fort Mason Center... This is your invite!

October 27th plus or minus two days is the time to be out on the water!

Cheers all!
